Thursday, March 15, 2012

What Happened to Wednesday?

  During the night we crossed the international dateline. The time changed from -10 UTC to +14 UTC (i.e. 24 hours). Instead of setting our clocks ahead we set our calendars ahead, skipping over Wednesday, March 14.
   [Wikipedia:  The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line on the surface of the Earth, that runs from the north to the south pole and demarcates one calendar day from the next. It passes through the middle of the Pacific Ocean, roughly following the 180° longitude but it deviates to pass around some territories and island groups.  The International Date line is on the opposite side of the Earth to the Prime Meridian. The Prime Meridian helps to define Universal Time and is the meridian from which all other time zones are calculated. Time zones to the east of the Prime Meridian are in advance of UTC (up to UTC+14); time zones to the west are behind UTC (to UTC-12).]
  Yesterday, which is to say Tuesday, I started getting caught up on blog postings. For anyone who has been following my blog closely enough to be concerned that I am altering blog entry dates to represent the day activities took place rather than the day I wrote the entry two comments:
        1. Sharp eyes - good attention to detail
        2. Get a life - this is only a travel blog
  It is nearly 9:00 AM and the temperature on deck is approaching 75 accompanied by a nice breeze that will keep things comfortable. Time to go find deck chairs.

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