Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I Can't Think of a Title (March 06)

  This morning the ship's log reported that water depth was 15,000 feet. At 0800 local time (-9 UTC) San Diego was 750 NM (nautical miles) astern of us. Our first port of call - Hilo, Hawaii - was 1430 NM ahead. The ship's speed over the bottom was 19.7 knots; our course WSW.
  Today the temperature on deck reached 70. The wind while still 20+ knots was NNE making the apparent wind much less than yesterday. [Question for our older grandchildren: why does the apparent wind feel much less than 20+ knots? (hint: the last sentence of the first paragraph)]
  Yesterday the cover over the pool area was completely closed. Today it is open a little way. By the time we get to Hawaii it should be warm enough that it can be opened all the way (except when it rains because people don't like to get wet when they are in the pool).
  It was formal wear at dinner this evening. We were seated next to a couple from California who own an Island Packet they sail to Catalina and the Channel Islands

Location:Pacific Ocean

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