Monday, March 12, 2012


  We entered Honolulu Harbor (not to be confused with Pearl Harbor) at 7:30 AM and were docked soon after 8:00.

  We were glad we were not picking up the $ tab for the refueling.
  Visiting Honolulu provided us the opportunity to renew our friendship with Bob & Elaine, fellow passengers on our trip to China and Southeast Asia last year aboard Regent's VOYAGER. They picked us up when we disembarked and the next six hours went by in a flash.
  They took us to the Hawaiian Yacht Club where in addition to a wonderful view we saw this unusual race notice. It is at HYC that they keep the 55' sailboat they used in an eight year circumnavigation of the world.

  Bob skillfully navigated the car through the craziness that has become Waikiki Beach to take us to the Outrigger Club. Bob's state-of-the-art carbon fiber outrigger canoe weighs less than 30 pounds!
  From there we continued east passing around the base of Diamond Head, stopping to view one of the surfing beaches and a blow hole where water rockets into the air when an incoming wave pushes it through a natural tube in the rock.
  Out of respect for their privacy I have not used Bob & Elaine's last name nor will I say where they live. They have a truly magnificent home that reflects Bob's woodworking craftsmanship, Elaine's artistic flair and green thumb, and their joint sense of taste and charm. To say that the view from their house is spectacular would be to understate it.
  After returning to the ship we found we had enough time to venture out again on the short walk to the only remaining authentic palace in the United States.
  Across from the palace was the statute of Hawaii's most famous ruler, King Kamehameha I.
  Just down King Street from the palace was...
  From there we returned to the ship, passing through the sculptures indicative of the shopping.

  What's for dinner?


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