Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Good Day

  After a good breakfast, as the temperature rapidly warmed on its way to a high of 77, we were off for our first adventure of the day - riding Segways through the Gaslight District. BTW, "Gaslight District" is modern, tony name for what used to be a decidedly crumby section of the city before it was gentrified about two decades ago.
  Our next stop was the famous San Diego Zoo, where we saw among other things an elephant getting a manicure.  Look at the size of the paws on the polar bear!  The slightly blurry picture of the hippopotamus is the result of taking the picture through glass and the hippo being underwater.

  Returning to the Gaslight District, we went up to the 40th floor of the Hyatt to see the view.  It was worth it.

  Walking along the waterfront, the 3+ miles back to our hotel was good exercise with some interesting sites, most notably the aircraft carrier MIDWAY. (In 2010 we went aboard and took the tour. It was well worth doing.)
  We walked the half-mile to Hamms Lighthouse Restaurant where we had a good dinner. The walk back worked off a tiny amount of the meal.

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